


Nevena Aleksovski

Born in 1984, Bor, RS

Lives and works in Ljubljana, SI

Nevena Aleksovski earned her degree in painting from the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Novi Sad (RS), in 2008, and furthered her academic journey with a Master's degree in Cultural Studies from the University of Ljubljana (SI), in 2014. She has showcased her work in numerous solo and group exhibitions such as ŠKUC (SI), Britta Rettberg (DE), P74 Gallery (SI), PrivatePrint (MK), as well as at inyernational art fairs including viennacontemporary, Art Rotterdam, Berlin Art Week, and others.

Drawing from personal experience, her focal point of artistic exploration always originates from the concept of migration, a phenomenon that has shaped human histories and societies. Her focus expands beyond migrant narratives to address the challenges faced by those labeled as Others in new environments, urging viewers to contemplate the human toll of exclusion and advocate for inclusivity. In her latest series, Southern, Southern, Aleksovski delivers an ironic message, exploring the dehumanization of people from southern regions through fetishized and harmful imaginings. Aleksovski's minimalist paintings and installation unravel the complexities of stereotypical views, prompting viewers to confront the implications of pervasive biases and fostering a dialogue towards a more inclusive global perspective.

In 2022 she published the book Melancholy of the Abandoned Lands, in collaboration with PrivatePrint Publishing, that tells the migration history of her family during Yugoslavia and after its dissolvement.




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