


Nevena Aleksovski

Born in 1984, Bor, RS

Lives and works in Ljubljana, SI


2008 BFA, Academy of Arts, University of Novi Sad, RS
2014 MA, Cultural studies, University of Ljubljana, SI


2024 Your Own Short Chain, ECHORAUM, Vienna, AT
2024 My Familiar Unfamiliar, edition 4: Belongings, RAVNIKAR, Ljubljana, SI
2023 My Familiar Unfamiliar: Sediment, Britta Rettberg, Munich, DE
2023 Southern, Southern, RAVNIKAR, Ljubljana, SI
2022 We Carry Soil in Our Pockets, PrivatePrint, Skopje, MK
2022 My Familiar Unfamiliar: I dreamed there was an island, RAVNIKAR, Ljubljana, SI
2022 Call Me Series, Cukrarna Gallery, Ljubljana, SI
2021 New Art Section, Art Rotterdam, Rotterdam, NL
2020 And Then So Clear, RAVNIKAR, Ljubljana, SI
2019 Discrepancy, House of Culture, Pivka, SI
2019 Slippery Slope, DobraVaga, Ljubljana, SI
2018 The World is a Spell, Layer House, Kranj, SI
2018 Infinite Scroll, P74 Gallery, Ljubljana, SI
2017 Now You Are Yourself and Not yet Yourself, Kino Siska, Ljubljana, SI


2024 TBA, Cukrarna, Ljubljana, SI
2024 Here, but somewhere else, National Gallery of Macedonia, Multimedia center Mala station, Skopje, MK
2024 Beneath the Surface, Layer’s House, Kranj, SI
2023 You’re here, but you’re somewhere else, ŠKUC gallery, Ljubljana, SI
2023 Search for new images, Simulaker gallery, Novo mesto, SI
2023 Novo, New Nouveau, Now, RAVNIKAR, Ljubljana, SI
2022 Zürich Salon, Zürich, CH
2022 viennacontemporary, Vienna, AT
2022 Positions Berlin, Berlin, DE
2022 Artists in Dialogue, Collection of Poems by Anja Golob, Kresija, Ljubljana, SI
2021 AIR4, RAVNIKAR, Ljubljana, SI
2020 viennacontemporary, Vienna, AT
2020 AIR4, RAVNIKAR, Ljubljana, SI
2020 Uncharted Waters, DobraVaga, Ljubljana, SI
2019 That is to say, everyone, RAVNIKAR, Ljubljana, SI
2019 LBAL: Baby Shower, Stiege 13, Vienna, AT
2019 Personal Outsides, RAVNIKAR, Ljubljana, SI
2019 Paper Matters, UGM, Maribor, SI
2019 AIR4, RAVNIKAR, Ljubljana, SI
2019 EYT, Center for Contemporary Art, Celje, SI
2019 Politics of Resistance, Racka Gallery, Celje, SI
2019 Last Christmas I Gave You My Art, RAVNIKAR, Ljubljana, SI
2018 Off the Hook, ISBN books + gallery, Budapest, HU
2018 AIR4, RAVNIKAR, Ljubljana, SI
2017 Something Ending, Something Beginning, RAVNIKAR, Ljubljana, SI
2017 Something is Written, SCCA, Ljubljana, SI
2017 Zines! Contemporary Zine Productions, International Centre of Graphic Arts, MGLC, Ljubljana, SI
2017 VI. Independent Biennial, Kino Siska, Ljubljana, SI


2024 Artist in Residence, Ministry of culture RS, Vienna, AT
2022 PrivatPrint Residency, Skopje, MK
2021 Working scholarship, Ministry of Culture, Ljubljana, SI
2020 Artist in Residence feat. Rijeka2020, Island Krk, HR
2018 Working scholarship, Ministry of Culture, Ljubljana, SI
2016 1st prize @Zine Vitrine, DobraVaga, Ljubljana, SI


2022 Melancholy of the Abandoned Lands, PrivatePrint, Skopje, MK
2021 Vivisection, art book project, Self-published
2020 CUKR, Published by Cukrarna gallery, Ljubljana, SI
2019 Personal Outsides, RAVNIKAR, Ljubljana, SI
2019 Wear Your Heart on a Sleevs, Look Back And Laugh, Ljubljana, SI
2018 Linger On, P74 Gallery, Ljubljana, SI
2016 Ana Makuc, Roland Barthes´ Lover, Apokalipsa, SI

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