


Nina Čelhar

Born in 1990, Postojna, SI

Lives and works in Ljubljana, SI

Nina Čelhar earned her undergraduate and postgraduate degrees in painting at the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Ljubljana, where she was honored with the Academy Award for Special Study Achievements. Further enhancing her artistic practice, Čelhar dedicated a year to perfecting her skills at the Hochschule für Grafik und Buchkunst in Leipzig.

Čelhar's artistic exploration revolves around a profound examination of the interplay between living spaces and human emotions. Her works, distinguished by recurring motifs derived from contemporary architecture, minimalist interiors, and everyday objects, serve as a visual discourse on the profound connection between personal spaces and individual identity.

Employing a limited palette and delicate technique, Čelhar's paintings emanate a tranquil and elusive ambiance, guiding viewers into a psychological space stripped of tangible distractions. Her compositions, often idealized and simplified, delve into the significance of architecture as a foundational living environment, scrutinizing its impact on our daily lives and movements.

Through her evocative art, Čelhar invites contemplation of the nuanced relationship between self and surroundings. Her commitment to conveying a therapeutic effect is palpable in her creative process, where she finds tranquility not solely in the act of painting but also in the final artwork itself. The compositions, open pictorial spaces, minimalism, and translucent color tones play a pivotal role in achieving this effect.

Regularly presenting her work in independent and group exhibitions both domestically and internationally, Nina Čelhar has secured her place in esteemed collections such as Albertina – ESSL and Riko. Her artistic endeavors stand as a testament to her dedication to exploring the meaning of architecture as a fundamental aspect of our living environment, shaping and directing our existence.




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