


Nika Kupyrova

Born in 1985, Kyiv, UA

Lives and works in Vienna, AT


2016  University of Applied Arts Vienna, MA TransArts (AT)
2008 Edinburgh College of Art, BA Painting (UK)
2007 Iceland University of the Arts (IS)


2024 Fake Fur, RAVNIKAR, Ljubljana, SI
2022 Woman in Green, Bildraum 07, Vienna (AT)
2022 ZONE 1, viennacontemporary, Vienna (AT)
2022 Liste Showtime Online, Basel (CH)
2021 Yaekahngai, Kunstraum Lakeside, Klagenfurt (AT)
2020 A difficult weekend, Hoast projects, Vienna (AT)
2018 No More Mr Nice Guy, Fait Gallery, Brno (CZ)
2018 White Honey, Galerie 35m2, Prague (CZ)
2018 Adventure, fantasy, mystery, action, MUSA, Vienna, (AT)
2018 Otis Rem, Tomas Umrian Contemporary, Bratislava (SK)
2017 Otis Rem, das weisse haus, Vienna (AT)
2011 Earwax, Meetfactory Centre for Contemporary Art, Prague (CZ)
2010 Earwax, Sotheby’s Artist Quarterly, Vienna (AT)


2023 Boundaries: Travel, Ladislav, Sutnar Gallery, Pilsen (CZ)
2023 No time to have you lurking, Bistro 21, Leipzig (DE)
2023 Uncanny Valley, PRÁM, Prague (CZ)
2022 Finding Forte, designforum Wien, Vienna (AT)
2022 Viktor Frešo, Marek Kvetan, Nika Kupyrova, DOT. Gallery, Bratislava (SK)
2021 The Meek One, Karlin Studios, Prague (CZ)
2021 Hi, how are you?, Cerquone Gallery, Madrid (ES)
2021 Talking Hands, Jan Koniarek Galler, Trnava, Slovakia (SK)
2021 mud-mother#1, Bathybius haeckelii / new jörg, Vienna (AT)
2020 Cruel Summer Camp, EXILE, Vienna (AT)
2020 Anything Goes pt. 2.: Techno ed. White & Weiss, Bratislava (SK)
2020 Otherwordly, RAVNIKAR, Ljubljana (SI)
2019 Über das Neue, Belverede 21, Vienna (AT)
2019 ECHO — the Fait Gallery collection, Fait Gallery, Brno (SK)
2019 UKYA City Takeover, Bonington Gallery, Nottingham (UK)
2018 Unframed/Framed, Galerie Raum mit Licht, Vienna (AT)
2018 ”, ”, ”, — Footnotes, WIELS Contemporary Art Centre, Brussels (BE)
2017 A ditto, ditto device, Angewandte Innovation Lab, Vienna (AT)
2017 Urgent Perspectives #1, Projektraum Viktor Bucher, Vienna (AT)
2017 Sonata for four hands, Berlinskej model, Prague (CZ)
2016 Rethinking, das weisse haus, Vienna (AT)
2016 Juxtapositionen, Salon für Kunstbuch, Belvedere 21, Vienna (AT)
2015 Re-, Kunstraum Niederoesterreich, Vienna (AT)
2015 WYSINWYS, Tomas Umrian Contemporary, Bratislava (SK)
2013 On the Road, NÖ Dokumentationszentrum für Moderne Kunst, St.Pölten (AT)
2012 III Moscow Biennale of Young Art, Moscow, (RU)
2011 Factory Installed, Mattress Factory Art Museum, Pittsburgh (USA)
2011 Über Dinge, Kunsthaus Mürz (AT)


2023 Kardinal König Kunstpreis, Salzburg (AT)
2023 City of Vienna Promotion Award for Fine Arts Vienna (AT)
2019 START-Award Fine Arts, Federal Chancellery of Austria (AT)
2017 Erste Bank ExtraVALUE Art Award, Vienna (AT)
2017 Kapsch Preis – nomination, MUMOK, Vienna (AT)
2011 DISARONNO Photo Award, International Talent Support (IT)


2017 Theory of Leaves, Residency by E.M.M.A., Ancona (IT)
2016 ARTos Cultural and Research Foundatio, Nicosia, Cyprus


2022 Dispatches From A Troubled City, Wien Museum MUSA (AT)
2022 The Somnambulists, Kunstverein Eisenstadt (AT)
2019 Your delicious dreaming, Salon Goldschlag, Vienna (AT)
2019 Hydrobutter, GOMO Artspace, Vienna (AT)
2017 Neverwhere, Galerie Ferdinanda Baumanna, Prague (CZ)
2017 Working Knowledge, Academy of the Performing Arts, Prague (CZ)
2016 Working Knowledge, Galerie IG Bildende Kunst, Vienna (AT)


Parnass Kunstmagazin / Flash Art Czech & Slovak Edition / Magazyn Szum / Sculpture Magazine / Radio FM4 / all-over Magazin für Kunst und Ästhetik / Tzvetnik / BLOK Magazine / Komfortmag / Die Presse Schaufenster / c/o Vienna magazine / Falter / Dolce Vita Prague / Monika Magazine / Artmirror / Footnotes on art / Hiato Projecs / Sodobna Umetnost / Artviewer / Easttopics / Daily Lazy / Tired Mass / Kuba Paris / YYYYMMDD / Artalk.cz /  A2 kulturní čtrnáctideník / O FLUXO / Wien Museum / Umění pro město


Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna / Kunsthalle Bratislava / The University of Art and Design Linz / Galerie IG Bildende Kunst Vienna / The English College in Prague / Kunstverein das weisse haus / DEPOT Vienna / Bird in Flight Photo School Kyiv / Wien Museum MUSA / Film and TV School of Academy of Performing Arts in Prague (FAMU)

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